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Franklin County

From trash pickup to recycling, Park’s Garbage Service proudly provides trash services in Franklin County, PA and Mercersburg Borough. Big enough to serve, small enough to care.

Holiday Schedule

Parks's Garbage Service is committed to giving our employees major holidays off so that they can spend time with their families. As a result, we do not provide services on:

New Year's Day January 1 Monday Delay
Memorial Day May 27 Monday Delay
Independence Day July 4 Thursday Delay
Labor Day September 2 Monday Delay
Thanksgiving Day November 28 Thursday Delay
Christmas Day December 25 Wednesday Delay
New Year's Day January 1 Monday Delay
Memorial Day May 27 Monday Delay
Independence Day July 4 Thursday Delay
Labor Day September 2 Monday Delay
Thanksgiving Day November 28 Thursday Delay
Christmas Day December 25 Wednesday Delay
New Year's Day January 1 Wednesday Delay
Memorial Day May 26 Monday Delay
Independence Day July 4 Friday Delay
Labor Day September 1 Monday Delay
Thanksgiving Day November 27 Thursday Delay
Christmas Day December 25 Thursday Delay

Note To Our Customers

Please check our website for continuous updates.

We do not provide service on major holidays, including Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day and New Year's Day, to allow our employees to spend time with their families.

If your collection day falls on or after one of the holidays listed above, your service will be delayed one day for that week. If the major holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday we will not be delayed as our routes do not run on the weekends.

For example, Memorial Day falls on a Monday; Monday customers are picked up Tuesday, Tuesday customers on Wednesday, Wednesday on Thursday, Thursday on Friday, and Friday on Saturday.

To learn more about the services we provide in your area, or to find your neighborhood’s trash pickup schedule, please call us using the directory below.

Franklin County residential customers receive weekly garbage pickup and recycling pickup every other week. Residential service includes a 96-gallon container for garbage and a 64-gallon tote for recycling. For more specific information about the services we provide in your area or your neighborhood’s trash pickup schedule, please call us at 814-542-4751.

General information for Franklin County

Bulky item pickup – Park’s is happy to offer bulky item pickup as an additional fee-based service for Franklin County residential customers. Bulky items are accepted with regular weekly trash pickup, with ADVANCE NOTICE. To schedule pickup for one or more bulky items, please call  814-542-4751 ahead of time. Please note that certain townships and boroughs fall within municipal contracts in which bulky items pickups are included. To find out if your neighborhood is part of a municipal contract with Park’s, please call your township or borough. If you belong to an HOA or town limits, please call our office for scheduling, as there may be a cost associated for bulky items. Bulky items are picked up on your regular scheduled collection day. (Tires and Freon do not apply; see below.)

Yard waste- Yard waste is charged on a per-bag basis. Yard waste is accepted alongside your regularly scheduled weekly trash pickup with ADVANCE NOTICE. To schedule yard-waste pickup, please call us ahead of time. If your yard waste cannot fit into a bag, it must be called in prior to pick up day and is charged on a per-item basis. Certain townships/boroughs collect yard waste at no cost; please contact your township/borough to learn more.

Electronic Waste (E-waste) – E-waste cannot be collected in any area of Pennsylvania as it is not allowed in Pennsylvania landfills.

Freon – Park’s charges a fee per Freon item, except in areas where bulk items are included as part of the trash pickup service. To avoid a trip charge, items containing Freon may also be brought to our transfer station.

Tires- Franklin County residential customers can dispose of tires at our transfer station at any time. Disposal charges vary according to tire and rim size. Please call our transfer station to learn more.

Recycling-  Recycling is single stream, meaning your recyclable materials do not need to be separated, and is collected every other week. To learn more about recycling in Franklin County, visit our Recycling page.

New Customers

Are you a potential new customer in South-Central PA seeking exceptional waste management service and options for trash and recycle? Let us worry about your trash so you don’t have to!

New customers can sign up for services online or establish service by calling 814-542-4751.

Park’s Garbage Service – Big enough to serve, small enough to care

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